Honoring Native American Heritage in Georgia: A Building Supply Company Perspective

Honoring Native American Heritage in Georgia: A Building Supply Company Perspective

As a building supply company rooted in the state of Georgia, we find it important to not only provide quality products but also to connect with the rich heritage of this land. Today, on November 1st, we'd like to take a moment to celebrate and remember the heritage of the Native American tribes in Georgia, as it is closely tied to the very soil we work with daily.

Just as we aim to provide the essential materials for construction and building projects, the Native American tribes, such as the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee and the Lower Muscogee Creek Tribe, had their own unique ways of constructing shelters, utilizing the resources the land provided.

Their story is one of survival and strength, as they are the descendants of the Cherokee who managed to escape the infamous Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears represents a dark chapter in American history, marked by the forceful removal of their tribe in the 1830s. U.S. soldiers herded them from their ancestral lands in Georgia and beyond into the Oklahoma Territory. Despite the immense challenges they faced, the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee continued to preserve their cultural heritage and traditions, serving as a living connection to their ancestors and reminding us of the enduring spirit of Native American communities.


The Lower Muscogee Creek Tribe's history is deeply intertwined with the land that is now Georgia. Their experience reflects the significance of land and territory in the history of this region, much like how we appreciate and respect the importance of land and resources for construction and raising our families.

Just as these tribes have a history connected to the land and its resources, we, too, provide the building blocks and supplies that enable construction and development, helping to shape the future of this state. We believe that acknowledging the history and heritage of the land we operate in is not only a mark of respect but also a means of understanding the legacy that shapes the very ground we build upon.

Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and the enduring spirit of Native American heritage aligns with our mission to provide the best building supplies and to contribute positively to the communities we serve.

As we reflect on Native American Heritage Month, let us remember and honor the contributions, struggles, and enduring spirit of these Native American tribes that have called Georgia home. Their legacy lives on in the land, culture, and the stories passed down through generations. May we continue to learn from their history and work towards a future of mutual respect and understanding, ensuring that their heritage is cherished and preserved for generations to come. 🌾🏹 #NativeAmericanHeritage #GeorgiaTribes #Resilience #OwensSupply

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